
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Bukit Peninsula One of World's Best Surfing Sites

The beaches of Bukit Peninsula Peninsula, Bali, have a paradise for surfers both from domestic and abroad. Located in the Bukit area, the beaches have beautiful scenery and certainly have waves that you can try. Tourists who come really will be spoiled by rolls of waves and stunning scenery. Not surprisingly, National Geographic's Bukit Peninsula enters the ranks of the world's best surfing location or "World's 20 Best Surf Towns". The beaches in Bali are already long known as the location for surfing (surfing). Many international surfing championships are often held on the Island of the Gods. The beaches have excellent waves for surfing activities such as Uluwatu Beach, Padang Padang Beach and Dreamland Beach. If you visit the beaches near Bukit, not only spoiled by surf spots alone, accommodation and panoramic super beautiful beaches in Bali has its own privileges. The place is also supported by tourist facilities such as hotels, surfing spots, restau

Exploring the Waves at Echo Beach

Bali has a charm that is very fascinating and certainly has been known to many orang.Keindahan nature has attracted many people in the world.Wisata-tourism in Balipun already worldwide, for example beach-pantainnya not only seen from the beauty of its beauty but pantainyapun memimiliki surf spot that certainly attracts the surfers of the world, some beaches in Bali had held international surfing events. One of the most favored beaches by both domestic and foreign tourists is Echo Beach located in Canggu.Banyak tourists who do surfing activities in this place, they want to enjoy the waves on this beach. Not only that, this beach also has a natural charm which amaze tourists. In the vicinity of panati there are also lodging, food places. So you do not have to worry if to this beach. For those of you who want to learn to surf, you can also do it in Echo Beach, there are some surf schools around the beach. If you are near the beach, you can also visit Batu Bolong Temple

Equipment needed when surfing

Surfing is a sport that is played in water, but this sport is quite extreme. In sports we need special skills and equipment to play surfing. Now we will discuss about surfing equipment. Basic equipment is: Surf Board It makes it easier for surfers to surf. The surfers always adjust their boards based on the beach waves, weight, and ability. Name and size of surfboard: -Fish, make small waves. Size 5-6 feet. -Egg, make small waves. Its size is 6-8 feet. -Shortboard, make small and medium waves. The size is 5.10-6.6 inches. -Retro Single Fin, make the intermediate wave. It measures 6.8-7.2 inches. -Malibu / Longboard, for medium wave and strong energy. Size 9 feet. -Funboard, for small, medium, and powerful waves. Size 6.6-7.6 inches. -Guns, make big waves and powerful force. The size is 7-12 feet. -Semi Guns, create a medium wave and powerful force. It measures 6.8-7.2 inches. -Mini Tanker / Mini Malibu, for medium wave and strong power. The size is 7.6-8.2 inches.

Red Island Beach, beach suitable for surfing

Red Island Beach is located in Banyuwangi, this beach is very diminai by foreign tourists who vacation in Banyuwangi.Dan this beach became slah one destinasti the most sought after by tourists. This beach is very clean and of course this beach menyeguhan spot surfing that attracted the attention of the surfer.Banyuwagi is one of the suitable places to find suitable surfing spots in Indonesia, so you need to take a vacation in Pulau itu.Bnayak beach in Bnayuwangi already known to the world. Red Island Beach has white sand with an area of ​​3 km.Jika dilihan from the tumor, we can see the scenery of the mountains, and dibangian west tourists can see a very beautiful sunset. This beach also has a wave that is about 2 meters high with a length of approximately 300 meters surrounded by mangrove trees.In this beach there are officers who always keep watch when there is an accident.Daya pull on the red island beach is a surf spot that you can try. also surfers who stay for da

The beaches of Bali are suitable for surfing

Surfing is an activity that is very challenging and certainly fun when you are on the beach. Not all beaches offer surf spots, you must be good at choosing a suitable beach for surfing. In Bali there are some beaches that are popular for kalagan surfers, namely : 1. Kuta Beach, Kuta is a beach located in Bali that offers surfing spot. This beach has big enough waves can be used for surfing. To find a place to stay is also very easy around this beach. 2. Balangan Balangan, this beach is located on Jalan to Garuda Wisnu Kencana. This beach is a very popular beach in the people of Bali.Pantai also provides a fun surfing spot, the waves are not too big but suitable for surfing sports activities. 3.Tantai Keramas, to this beach you can spend about 2 hours from Jalan By Pass Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra.Selain the beach is very beautiful, this beach is also very challenging to play surfing. 4. Beach Uluwatu, this beach is in a place that has been popular in Bali. In the

Recognize surfing equipment

As a person who has a hobby in surf sports games of course you have to know what equipment you need when you want to surf. You also have years of benefits and functions of these tools. Here are the tools you need to bring if you want to play sports surfing: RASH GUARD  If you want to do surf sports activities, you should wear t-shirts, t-shirts that are used are special t-shirts. You can visit surf shops and they will explain the usefulness of surfing t-shirts. Use of T-shirts is to protect the skin from exposure to direct sunlight. Leash or foot strap Leash, is a rope that is in the foot. The rope is used for surfing, this rope works when the big waves feeding our feet will be protected so as not to split too far.This rope has the same length as the board selanjar you use.For longboard do not wear short straps, at some point you want to go faster and you have to step on the longboard nose, and you have to wear a long leash.  For shortboard can use leash th

Seminyak beach is suitable for surfing

Seminyak Beach is a beach that has white sand, sand that stretches from North to South and facing to the west.Pantai seminyak also known to be suitable to see a very beautiful sunset, beach atmosphere is also very calm than the Kuta Beach or Legian.This beach very easy to find, the natural beauty that is owned by this beach is very attractive many visitors both domestically and abroad.Before this famous beach is now very deserted beach and the surrounding community more a fisherman, but after the many attractions in Bali that has been experiencing rapid development so be affected by this beach seminyak. Seminyak Beach is also starting to clean up to complete the facilities and infrastructure to increase the visit of tourists to the beach Siminyak.Di this beach area has also been opened private villas and of course the restaurant that has international standard. Seminyak beach itself is in one line with Kuta Beach and Legian, so a bit the same as the beach itu.Untuk wave quali

Beach Maluk, paradise of the surfing in Sumbawa

Sumbawa has a stunning natural charm so not one of many foreign tourists who vacation in the region. West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province, a variety of tourist attractions in this region such as the beautiful scenery of the exotic beach. Maluk beach located in the village of Maluk, District Jereweh, West Sumbawa regency one of the famous beaches in Subawa. Maluk beach has waves known as Super Suck nickname, the waves on this beach have waves split by Tanjung Ahmad. The rupture of the waves at this beach Maluk impact on the height of the above two meters so not one of many surfers who come to this place. Around the beach are also a lot of surfboard rental and kano.Beluk beach has white sand and relatively soft, in addition to this beach there is also a turtle breeding on the beach.Waves malignant on the beach that causes this beach to be one of the best waves for the surfers. For the surfers of this beach has the uniqueness, the experience gained after surfing on that be

Caring for Surf Board Surfing

For you who have a hobby surfing sports certainly have surfboards, before heading to surfboard marawat information is a good idea we can choose a good surf board. For the pamula in surfing, surely you have to choose a cheap surf board. In training, many people do not care about the surfboard, be it the small bumps and the quality of materials used. There are also those who prefer to buy surfboards that are more expensive or famous brand.But for you who are still in the process of learning better to use a used surfboard. For the first time you try to play surfing you should choose to buy surfboards of larger size, thick and tinggi.Dengan this type of board will float more stable and will facilitate you to perform paddling techniques. For the height is usually about 7 feet with a width of about 19-21 inches and thickness of 2-3 inches. Treatment for surtboard before surfing activities Surfboard wax, if none of this then the surfer will slip off the board due to v

Basic rules on surfing games

In surfing sports, you should be the year of the basic rules that surf sports have if you already know it so you can easily learn to surf sports. There are many rules you must follow, such as: 1.You should avoid alcoholic beverages 2. Be careful in using the water, always watching the waves while surfing 3.You must also choose a suitable beach, look for beaches that can make you comfortable 4.Before doing surfing activities, you must make sure that your body condition is physically fit 5.You should also pause about 45 minutes or 60 minutes before surfing Sports surfing is a sport of fun, you also have to hold the throw. You also do not take part of the wave that is already owned by others. Do not forget to always wear sun block because of exposure to sunlight can make your skin hot. Always looking for a safe surf and do not forget to always warm up before doing sports surfing. Keramas Beach Keramas beach is a beach that provides surfing spot in Bali.Bea

Playing surfing sports in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country that has a natural beauty that no doubt. Indonesia is also known as a paradise of lovers of surfing sports. Many tourists from overseas who come to Indonesia to try surfing sports on the beaches in Indonesia.Sebagai Indonesian people should be we are proud of the natural wealth that has been provided by god. A little information about the surf spot should be visited in Indonesia if you have the opportunity to come to this country. Panaitan Island The island has about seven interesting spots for surfing sports. The most famous spots are the One Palm Point spot and the Apocalypse. You can see many very interesting spots on this island. G-land (Grajagan Island) G-land is a very special place because this place has a surfing spot that has global.Ombak beach on the island has a height of 8 meters and a length of about 2 kilometers.Each year G-land around hundreds of tourists both domestically and abroad . Cimaja, Sukabumi Cimaya i

Surfing at Ketewel Beach, Bali

Secret Beach Katewel, at this time maybe you still feel alien to the name of this beach. You need to know this beach has a natural charm you should know, many water sports games you can do on this beach, like surfing. Ketewel beach is a very place suitable for people who have a hobby in this surfing sport. This beach has not been much to know but in 1988, surfers from Sanur found this beach and named "Secret", this beach has natural alam.Dan around 1994, this beach began to be visited by tourists both abroad and domestic but not as popular as Kuta Beach in Bali. You can visit this beach to fill the leisure luang.Untuk you are looking for the right waves to play sports surfing, you can come in December to April which is the rainy season. When the moon was the wind direction will be against the direction so that the waves on this beach will be high .There are about 10 points on this beach, namely Coconut Beach, Pica Point, Little Nias, Biaung (secret point), Temple Poin