Beach in Yogyakarta suitable for surfing

Currently Yogyakarta is promoting tourism. Although currently there are many wosata in Yogyakarta have known, but there are still some tours that have not been known by orang.Contohnya beach tour that presents the beauty of nature and surfing.Pantai spot in Yogyakarta not only presents the scenery Beautiful but the beach in Yogyakarta also has a spot of sports surf.

Krakal Beach is located in Gunung Kidul.Pantai is a beach that has a strong attraction for the people of Yogyakarta.Pantai has a nice spot and interesting for tourists.

Krakal Beach has white sand that stretches on the beach, as well as large waves. On the beaches there are rocks that are inhabited by many small fish that have the colors. Besides having white sand, this beach is also Has a clear sea water. This place is also suitable for hobby fishing.

Surfing on Krakal Beach
Many tourists who come to Krakal Beach to look for surfing spot.In this beach is also often visited by tourists who seek this surfing spot.In this beach has a large and malignant waves.For a beginner is not recommended to do surfing in this place .But the surfers should be careful in surfing in this place. In this beach there is no place for surfboard rental, so you should bring a board of chestnut before to Krakal Beach.

To enter the beach Krakal, you only need to membanyar about Rp.10.000 per orang.For find this beach, Krakal Beach is located in Jogja more precisely located in Gunung Kidul District, District Tangjungsari, Village Ngestirejo.From the center of Jogya City to Coast krakal just take 2, 5 hour journey.

For lovers of Surfing in Indonesia, you can try this Krakal Beach. Not only in Yogjakarta just some beaches in Indonesia have surfing spot. You can find information about surfing in Grajagan.



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