Prepare what you need to do to surf in Bali

Vacation to Bali certainly never forget to surf sports on the beaches in Bali.Before surfing on this island, you must do prepare first.

1.Search for a place
Looking for a suitable place to play surfing, not all beaches are suitable for everyone. There is a beach that is suitable for professional surfers and there is a suitable for beginners. So you have to choose a suitable place for you sendiri.Untuk beginner, you can go to Kuta Beach that has waves suitable for beginners, the water is not too big but Suitable for surfing.

2.Contact the course
If you are still unsure about surfing in Bali, or you are still a beginner in surfing, you can try to contact courses that are already scattered throughout Bali.

3.Sun Block
Having a sun that selau glowing enough to make the skin become burned, when surfing of course you will feel the heat because the weather in Bali is very hot.Sun Block is a must if you are carrying goods when playing sport sufing.

4. Bringing mineral water
In doing sports surfing during hot weather will certainly make you attacked dehydration. So you have to bring mineral water after and before the activity, like surf sport activities.

5.Change Changes
You need to monitor weather changes.

6. Do the exercises in the pool
For beginners before facing the swell of the waves you will pass, so you must do or try first in the pool. Although the water in the sea is different from the battens at least you will not be surprised to balance yourself on the board.

7. Lodging Place
For surfers who want to spend the night near the beach of course must find a place of lodging, you can find a place of lodging with a cheap price.Lots of lodging in the area of ​​Bali that has a cheap price for a tourist and a place and make sure the inn should be adjacent to the beach that became the spot Your surfing.

8.Choose the board
Choosing a board will also embed you more comfortably in surfing, to get the balance and comfort you need to choose the right surfboard for you. You need to choose a board that has no holes and no scratches on that board.

9. Bringing P3K
At the time of surfing exercise you must have felt injured due to scratches of corals and objects around it, to overcome the problem you need to bring first aid if you want to play surfing on the beach in the area of ​​Bali.

10. Always pay attention to warning signs
Many people are always ignoring the warning that is on the Beach and result in a patal.Sebaiknya you must comply with the ban or warning that is on the beach.

Preparation has been done but did not find a suitable beach for you, you can see on Grajagan site there you can see the gallery as well as complete surfing information.



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