Surfing at Setangi Beach, Lombok

Lombok Island is an island that has been known by many people, especially beach attractions, beaches also have a surfing spot. You can easily find surf spots in the area of ​​Lombok Selatan.Kawasan South Lombok already many people who know mainly foreign tourists who are looking interesting surf spot.In North Lombok region is also famous especially in Senggigi and Gilinya area that has a surfing spot and no less good.

Setangi Beach is one of the beaches that have a spot of surf not far from Senggigi and Malimbu. To surf in Setangi Beach, you are not charged admission fees. Most surfers on this beach are young people from the villages around the beach. know unlike other beaches in Lombok that are known to many people. This beach is still practically deserted.

Long coastline of course makes this beach is very beautiful let alone the waves are suitable for the surfer Coba.Pantai is perfect for the holiday kelurga.Untuk to Setangi Beach, you only takes about 30 minutes from the city of Mataram through Ampenan.Untuk akes the way good.So for you who need more information about surfing can see it in Grajagan.



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