
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2017

The Ministry of Tourism will Prepare 10 Surfing Competitions in 2018 Upcoming

Enchantment of Indonesia's nature is no doubt. Many places that you can go to when vacationing in Indonesia such as beach tourism that guaranteed will never make you bored let alone beaches have surfing spot. Beaches in Indonesia have waves that captivate the surfers of the world. And recently at a site explaining that, the Ministry of Tourism will plan ten surfing competitions with ten locations in 2018. Indonesia has many of the best surfing spots in the world especially now that many surfers of the world who often come to Indonesia just to feel the waves. Many of them are already professional and of course they have tried the waves in various places in parts of dunia.Ketua team of Marine Tourism Development Acceleration Kemenpar has coordinated with World Surf Leauge (WSL), Regional Manager Asia (WSL) and Indonesian Surfing Wave Association (PSOI) .For the beginning, on August 16th will hold an international surfing competition at Pacitan Beach, East Java. , on 6 Octo

Exclaimed Surfing at Tanjung Aan Beach

If you go to Lombok is not complete if not visiting the beach. One of the beaches that you should visit when going to Lombok is Tanjung Aan Beach. Tanjung Aan Beach is located in Pengembur Village, Sengkol, Pujut, Central Lombok Regency. The first thing you see is the wide white sand. The beach is so gentle and spacious so you can freely choose a place to sunbathe or do other activities. If you are still in Tanjung Aan Beach at sunset, the sea water in the beach Tanjung Aan will ride. Wave waves are very suitable to do when the time comes. In the vicinity of the beach are many places to rent surfboards, so you do not have to bother bringing surfboards from home. Not only surfing you can also try to play snorkeling. Tanjung Aan beach is very beautiful to explore from under the sea. That little information surfing do not forget visit Grajagan ya! source:

You surfer? surely know this wave type!

Sports surfing is one sport that has a very many enthusiasts. Many say that surfing can satisfy your own heart. And a surfer would already know the waves are suitable for him. Here are 3 types of waves 1.Rolling is a type of waves that are safe for you who amsih beginner in sports surfing. You can judge this wave by looking at the flat coastline. 2.Dumping is that can not be guessed because this wave will suddenly can throw the surfers who are playing surfing so for beginners better do not try waves like this.Ombak is often found on the beach that has a pile of sand and coral. 3.Ombak Large, this very breaking wave is often found on the beach that has a steep coastline.Obbak is often used if a surfer who has experience.Itu little information do not forget to visit the site Grajagan ya! source:

Play surf safely

Surfing is one extreme sport, a lot of things that can happen when you play this sport surfing both from yourself and alam.Jika note bermian surfing is very fun and very easy. Here is to be more secure in surfing At the time of surfing you should be slightly away from the board. When your body is unbalanced or you fall you can kick your surfboard to avoid a fatal incident. You can do a shallow jump when you fall. This jump will be very necessary if you surf in a rocky or rocky place. When you do surf do not forget to keep the security of the head during wipeout. If there is wipeout automatically you will close your eyes but do not forget to open your eyes and do not forget you are also expected to always be quiet. That little information from me do not forget visit Grajagan site. source: