You surfer? surely know this wave type!

Sports surfing is one sport that has a very many enthusiasts. Many say that surfing can satisfy your own heart. And a surfer would already know the waves are suitable for him. Here are 3 types of waves

1.Rolling is a type of waves that are safe for you who amsih beginner in sports surfing. You can judge this wave by looking at the flat coastline.

2.Dumping is that can not be guessed because this wave will suddenly can throw the surfers who are playing surfing so for beginners better do not try waves like this.Ombak is often found on the beach that has a pile of sand and coral.

3.Ombak Large, this very breaking wave is often found on the beach that has a steep coastline.Obbak is often used if a surfer who has experience.Itu little information do not forget to visit the site Grajagan ya!



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